
Thursday, 28 August 2014

Back to School = Back to the Cupboard

Well it really wasn't the best decision I made to start a blog in July as I am sure every mum knows there is no time for anything other than the children in the summer and the only sewing I have been doing lately is the dreaded putting name labels in the new uniform. I am pretty sure that soulless job would put a lesser woman off sewing for life - it's nearly done now though and thoughts turn to proper sewing.

Week beginning 6th September I shall be taking part in my first social media sewing event 'one week hosted by Jane at Handmade Jane (who incidentally was the first sewing blogger I started reading)  if you haven't heard of it you should pop over to her blog ( here's a handy Link ,I hope) but it is pretty self explanatory you wear one pattern in different ways across a week.

I shall be wearing the Mimi blouse from Love at First Stitch, I quite like it now despite the fact the first one I made looked like a school cooks uniform. I shall save that story for next time though.


  1. I have been neglecting my blog for the same reason. My kid learned to crawl on all fours over the summer and is getting faster and faster at it, so my time is spent by trying to keep up with her and clearing up after her. :D Sewing time has to be specifically arranged and planned. I signed up for OWOP too but I'm concerned I won't finish my projects in time. Can't wait to see your Mimis!:)

    1. Oh I remember mine starting to crawl! I never felt the house was babyproof enough, even second time. I hope you get your projects done.

  2. Hi Vicki, I came across you on Jane's sign-up post. Good luck with OWOP! I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's patterns.
